Just now..a friend of mine ask me.we got a very deeper conversation together.
F : ida ida,do you have a couple?
capital I : WHATT??a couple?hello.i can't even iron my shirt myself. Im so not interested in ruining my life yaw!
F : HAHA.hello.you're sixteen babe.and you didn't interested in couple-life? you are so ABNORMAL.
capital I : why you say so dudes?
F : Because you really are. Teenagers life only come once in your lifetime.
capital I : Darls,Im not dying without a couple.see..Im still here,breathing.Standing still as a cute girl . *evil grinds :D and I have a very happy life too. im just too short.but,its not because i dont have a couple kay? :D
F :Whatever,D..so,when was the last time you got a couple? I bet that it is when you was in standard 3.
capital I : no lahh.im just break up last month okey.:D
F : HAHA.hello.you're sixteen babe.and you didn't interested in couple-life? you are so ABNORMAL.
capital I : why you say so dudes?
F : Because you really are. Teenagers life only come once in your lifetime.
capital I : Darls,Im not dying without a couple.see..Im still here,breathing.Standing still as a cute girl . *evil grinds :D and I have a very happy life too. im just too short.but,its not because i dont have a couple kay? :D
F :Whatever,D..so,when was the last time you got a couple? I bet that it is when you was in standard 3.
capital I : no lahh.im just break up last month okey.:D
Dear friend. Im not going to have a couple in this short time okee? fullstop.well. yes,I admit. It so fun when you have a couple. Especially when your couple do care about you. Always there when needed. Have a quite good-looking. And the cool part is when the couple is a very well-known person.And everyone want him But,i tell you this. It's suck when the couple always tell you what you can do and what you cant,.telling you with whom you can befriended and with whom you cant. And the best part when the couple accused you that you have a fair with the one that you don't even know. hell-yah !