they're cartoon. cute and unique right?

rock for real !
HAHA.they are favourite past time band.I adore them since I'm in standard 3.
Yaaarh, No joke, =.=
Actually,I've already forgot about them .
As you know, now, I only crazy over new bands like Boys like Girls, We the Kings,All time low and others.
Out of blue.I'm thinking about Gorillaz just now.
And this post is credit to them.
heyy, they are quite awesome.
Maybe they are old band.
But.Really. No doubt. They're unique, Totally.
Their music genre is cool.
And their songs ? OMG ! Fucking rocks oke ?
Well, I don't know them actually. *does anyone know?
I keep guessing whether they are human or cartoon . *stupid la hg ida.mna ada cartoon bley nyanyi.
But, what I know, they've been created by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett in 1998.
For you guys information, their song , 'Feel Good Inc.' was the first
English song's lyrics that I can memorise.
And I do when I was in standard 3 yaww,
But, for now ,unfortunately, they didn't release any new song.
And thats quite dissapointed me. ('=.=)
What ever it is,
I, Ida Nurdiyana Mohd Yunus will always be your die-hard-fan.
Hail Gorillaz !